Entreprise canadienne depuis 1988

En tant que l’un des plus grands administrateurs tiers du Canada, RWAM a l’avantage distinct de fournir un service complet d’avantages collectifs, y compris la tarification et la souscription internes, les services d’administration, le règlement des sinistres en temps réel et les renouvellements faciles, le tout sous un seul et même toit.

RWAM s’associe aux meilleurs fournisseurs de prestations collectives, ce qui permet aux employeurs de créer une solution adaptée aux besoins de leurs employés. une solution adaptée aux besoins de leurs employés

About RWAM

Nous cultivons une culture qui favorise un service de qualité supérieure et une touche personnalisée.

Faites l’expérience de la différence.

Who is RWAM

Constituée en 1988, RWAM Insurance Administrators est l’un des plus importants tiers administrateurs de prestations d’assurance collective au Canada. Elle s’est développée pour servir et protéger plus de 250 000 Canadiens d’un océan à l’autre.

En tant qu’administrateur de tierce partie (TPA), RWAM offre un service complet :

Premium Billing and Collecting
Real-time Claim Adjudication and Payment
Administrative Support
Disability Case Management

Solid Practices

Depuis plus de 30 ans, notre philosophie et nos pratiques commerciales solides ont résisté à l’épreuve du temps. En tant que membre fondateur de la TPAAC (Third Party Administrators Association of Canada), nous promouvons les meilleures pratiques et la conduite professionnelle dans notre secteur afin de protéger la confiance que les promoteurs de régimes nous accordent. En se concentrant sur la recherche de l’excellence, RWAM est fière de sa flexibilité et de sa réactivité face à l’évolution constante des conditions du marché. RWAM est là pour vous.

Our History

2015 - Executive Appointments

Effective January 1, 2015 Carole Yari became the CEO of RWAM and Dan Galloway took on the dual role of President and COO of RWAM. RWAM's founder, Bruce Burnham, is now the Chairman of RWAM. Pictured left to right are Dan Galloway, Carole Yari and Bruce Burnham.

2014 May - RWAM Mobile App Launched

RWAM Mobile App, offering select features of our online RWAM Plan Member Services, gives Plan Members the ability to submit claims securely directly from a smartphone or tablet. 

2014 January - RWAM chosen as one of Waterloo Region's top 15 employers

One of the core values of RWAM is that our fundamental strength lies in our people.  We are honoured to be named one of Waterloo Region's top employers for 2014. 

2013 - December - Submit Claims Online

Technological advances allow Plan Members to submit claims via the Plan Member Services web portal. 

2013 - RWAM's 25th Anniversary

RWAM is thrilled to celebrate a quarter century of success. 

2012 August - Here we grow again

RWAM continues to grow with an impressive 20,000 square foot addition to our head office in Elmira, Ontario. 

2012 - Electronic Dental Claims Paid in Real-Time

Claims submitted electronically to RWAM by the Dental Office are now processed in real-time. For Plan Members with eligible dental claims this means payment goes out as early as the next business day. 

2011 July - 'eClaims Arrive' - Claims Accepted Via Email Submission

Plan Members now have the choice of emailing, faxing or sending by postal mail when submitting claims.

2011 November - RWAM Receives Region of Waterloo Healthy Workplace Award

RWAM is a proud recipient of the Region of Waterloo Healthy Workplace Award for demonstrating strong commitment to improving the health of our employees.

2009 - Advisor Portal Launched

Employee Benefit Specialists & Advisors can utilize online functions providing easy and direct access to comprehensive information facilitating block analysis.

2009 February - Plan Member Services Portal Launched

Secure portal access allows Plan Members to view and update personal information -- including direct deposit information; view and print claim information; and access their benefits booklet electronically.

2008 - RWAM Celebrates 20 Years

RWAM's Senior Management team kick off the celebration. Pictured are, from left, Dan Galloway, COO; Carole Yari, President; and Bruce Burnham, CEO. 

2004 July - RWAM Administration Services Portal Launched

Plan Administrators can now process additions, terminations, transfers and changes to employee coverage electronically, in real-time, using the secure web portal. 

2004 September - Third Party Administrators' Association of Canada Founded

RWAM is proud to be a founding member of the Third Party Administrators' Association of Canada. 

1998 - RWAM Turns 10

We are 10 years old now, and have grown to over 35 employees. 

1993 - Outstanding Business Award Woolwich Chamber of Commerce

RWAM is honoured to receive the 1993 Woolwich Chamber of Commerce Outstanding Business Award based on personal service and good value.

Pictured accepting the award are Charles Wood, Bob Burnham and Bob Disotell.

1988 - First Annual Group Seminar Held

RWAM's first group seminar brought together our top Advisors to discuss industry trends. This has now grown into our annual Chairman's Advisory which plays an integral part in assisting RWAM with its strategy and responsiveness to the marketplace. Assembling a select group of our Advisors, the input and discussions at the Chairman's Advisory are paramount in guiding RWAM to producing a successful offering in the Group Benefits spectrum. 

1988 Founded in January 1988

RWAM officially incorporated in January 1988 with offices in Ontario, Alberta, and Nova Scotia.

Giving Back

Engagés pour la jeunesse

dans notre communauté

La philosophie d’entreprise de RWAM, ainsi que la nature charitable de notre personnel, nous ont valu la réputation d’être un participant généreux et actif au sein de la communauté.

RWAM est fier de soutenir des initiatives caritatives dans tout le pays par le biais de dons et de programmes de parrainage. Nous embrassons la diversité des besoins sociaux, des idées et des intérêts de chacun. Nos contributions sont réparties sur un large éventail d’initiatives, avec un accent particulier sur l’amélioration de la qualité de vie des jeunes.

Récemment, la Grand River Hospital Foundation a reconnu RWAM et notre société sœur Programmed Insurance Brokers Inc. (PIB) pour nos efforts de collecte de fonds dans leur bulletin d’information électronique TL;DR.

Fier partisan des services communautaires et de la banque alimentaire de Woolwich

Woolwich Sun Rays (Hockey for all Abilities)
Woolwich Community Services
Woolwich Memorial Youth Centre
Food Banks
Youth Sports Teams
Drayton Entertainment
Local Service Clubs
Heart & Stroke Foundation
Red Cross
Canadian Cancer Society
Canadian Blood Services - Partners for Life member
And many more...